Internal Information System

The Internal Information System (IIS) is the system implemented by AMPO S.COOP to respond to the obligations established under the LPI: Law 2/2023 of 20th February on the protection of persons who report regulatory infringements and the fight against corruption.

Any person related to our organisation, whether occupationally or professionally, may report a possible breach of regulations, law or our Code of Conduct using the internal channels provided, with full guarantees of confidentiality and without suffering any reprisal for doing so, provided they have acted in good faith and in the common interest.

The IIS is part of our Compliance System and consists of the following elements: a policy or fundamental principles guiding its design and operation, a specific and independent responsible body, channels for receiving communications, designed and enabled to comply with the legal requirements of security and confidentiality, a mandatory internal communications management procedure that guarantees the requirements of protection, confidentiality, objectivity and efficiency in the process of receiving, processing and resolving the communications received and an IT system (IIS application) that supports both the receiving channel and the communication and internal management of the procedure. 

Internal Information System